Max Kubisiak

Born in Fargo and raised in Montana, the American West is in Max’s blood, though he has a healthy skepticism toward its founding myths. Growing up in a mixed-race white/indigenous family in a liberal town in a conservative state, Max is equal parts sensitivity and cynicism. He loves and writes stories about characters facing overwhelming odds, especially in Westerns.

Scripts & Awards

  • “Organics” battle “Artificials” in a world where plastic has altered all life forms. Against Organic laws, a young Artificial named Ishmael gives birth to a child. The child is special, a living amalgam of the human and the plastic.

    Second Rounder, Austin Film Festival 2022

    Quarterfinalist, Stage 32 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Screenwriting Contest 2022

  • An Irish rebel on the run, a Blackfoot saloonkeeper who survived the Marias Massacre, and a Chinese-American doctor meet in the streets and gutters of Butte, Montana – a town they love and struggle against with their hearts and fists.

    Quarterfinalist, WeScreenplay TV Contest 2022

    Quarterfinalist, Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards Summer 2022

  • An outcast Bigfoot and amateur “expert” in the study of humans, a Ted Kaczynski conspiracy theorist, and a bored Gen Z-er are all unwittingly drawn into a ring of political, corporate, and international conspiracies in a small Rocky Mountain town.


Rio Johnson


Preston Ray