Rylee White

Rylee Swag White grew up in a small town outside of Boston, spending her time playing sports and creating shows for herself and her siblings to perform for their parents. As a varsity athlete at Wesleyan University, Rylee realized that she was not going to become a professional athlete, and she needed to find a more feasible dream to pursue. “Oh, I know! I’ll be a successful comedy writer!” Wise Rylee decided. And so, she moved to LA and began writing quirky and bizarre comedies for audiences of all ages.

Scripts & Awards

  • Two best friends with zero outdoor skills decide to work on a farm in Hawaii. The girls expect the best… which is fine, since there’s not much you can do once you’re trapped in a nudist cult. Trust me, I know.

  • The Virgin Mary was created by God without original or personal sin so that she could carry and raise his son. She was holy and good and innocent…or was she a power-hungry girl who got knocked up and was not in the mood to get stoned? Depends on who you ask.

  • Join Listen Pup and Ivy on their neighborhood adventures where they learn about the world around them by listening carefully.

  • Bundle up.

    Produced feature film:



Omar A. Said